Devotion Comes First | The Position of Faithfulness

“His lord said unto him, well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord,” Matthew 25:21

There is something to be said about a job well done.  That oh-so-satisfying feeling when one has worked hard to see the fruition of a purpose being fulfilled and then steps back and announces, “Ah, it was hard but well worth it.”  One of my pet peeves is asking someone to perform a task for me and the job ends up only halfway done, with half-way effort.  It’s a very frustrating experience because I could have just done the job myself the right way but that defeats the purpose of delegating a duty in the first place. 

With that realization, I wonder how God must feel about the duties He has delegated to us?  In our daily walk have we dealt with our Christianity with that same half-way done effort or have we really gone for the gusto?  Have we really expressed ourselves as being faithful, manifesting all God is or has done in our lives?

Through that short stint of questioning the reality of it all hits me.  No!  The truth is, many of us are like the seed in the parable of the sower.  The cares of this world have encroached upon us, choking the spiritual vitality right out of us, leaving us with only half-hearted energy to do a halfway job for God.  Each of our lives is destined with purpose.  Each has been endowed with something wonderful and unique to contribute to this world.  God has chosen us to stand as ambassadors, to show this lost world how to be found and how to live in this world while having a flourishing relationship with Him.  Unfortunately, that cannot be accomplished if we are not as diligent in the care of the work of the Lord as He is to us. 

How will that great thing God put in you ever develop as an outgrowth of your faith if you are not faithful to it; if you are not faithful to Him?  For if one is faithful to Him, then are they faithful to all He has instilled in them.  How many wouldn’t like to hear, “Well done,” coming from the mouth of our Lord? Sometimes we work hard in this life, doing all we know how to do to stay above water, then after all the heartache, sweat, and tears, a voice speaks and confirms that it was not in vain.  “Well done.”

In order to receive that proclamation of good work, one has to be faithful.  The word “faithful” was used twice in this one verse alone.  First, it described the servant.  Then it was used again to describe his work ethic.  The servant was one who the master could count on because of his character, and also because of the way he handled the affairs of business.  Does that word describe us in either or both of those ways?  One without the other just won’t do.  James 2:17 tells us, “Even so faith, if it has not works, is dead, being alone.”  What goes on on the inside of the believer should show up on the outside.  There should be some type of manifestation branching out of our faithfulness.  

Everyone in Christ is called to a life of devotion to God, giving Him priority, as characterized by faithfulness, and having that reach out in our daily affairs.   We are called to be that reliable, trustworthy person whom God doesn’t mind acknowledging as, “Well done,” and handing him or her more talents to care for. 

A life of faithfulness will get you there.  Take God off the back burner of your life and give Him precedence over all.  Rewards will come, but devotion comes first.  The harvest will come but only after the seeds have been planted.  The position of fulfilling purpose and accomplishing good works will always start with a position of faithfulness. 

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