Ridding Sour Thoughts

Sour thoughts.  Ill feelings. Have you ever struggled with these?  There are days when they seem to invade your thinking.  Although you don’t want them there, they seem to come unannounced.  Not asking for your permission to be there, they come and tread upon the courts of your mind, disrupting your beautiful day.

When they step into your territory, what do you do?  Do you let them walk around freely, unhindered?  Or do you dismiss them and show them the way out?

Meandering about means they have a chance to muddy up the places marked with their footprints.  In their meandering, they can bring confusion, bitterness, hurt, and pain.  They can bring wrong assumptions that leave much devastation in their wake.  Continuing their journey in your space unleashed can quickly tear apart what took years of love and hard work to build.

But giving them the boot frees you from these radicals that just want to stir up strife in our homes and in our lives.  And the process the Apostle Paul gave us to do just that in and of itself, is not that complicated. 

His advice: “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things” (Philippians 4:8). 

When it is peace that we want and not things that cause bitterness and strife, we have the choice to replace those sour thoughts with something lovely and beautiful.  We can make the decision within ourselves to not settle for something that puts in us and draws out of us things we do not want.

Take up these things of virtue and praise, and clothe your day in them.  Choose to be purposefully mindful of that which is good, making that which is bad and sour flee before you.

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