Praying for the today’s that we face . . . – 3/23/2023

praying for the today's we face - unsplash pic

Father God, we know there’s a coming day when every tear that falls from our eyes shall be wiped away, a day when the trying circumstances we face here shall all be over, and we are looking forward to that day and rejoicing in the promise for it. We, also, are praying for the today’s that we face. We are praying for healing in the many circumstances of life: health, finances, relationships, souls restored, and national conflicts to experience peace in You and through You. We are praying for people to be released and made whole from anything that comes against Your best for their life. In Jesus’ mighty name, we pray, AMEN!

Text-free photo above by Marta Pawlik on Unsplash

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Many hearts are in need . . .

Father God, we are praying for people everywhere. There are many hearts in need right now. There are many struggles that our friends, family, and saints are dealing with. We are praying today for a touch from You. We are praying that You would step in and meet their needs in the way that only You can. We are praying for peace and comfort to saturate the atmosphere of hearts, homes, and lives. We know that there is nothing that is impossible for You, O God, and we lean and trust in Your mighty power and Your outstretched arms to heal and deliver. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, we pray, AMEN!

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This morning, lay to rest…

This morning, lay to rest and hand over any troubles that may be stirring in your heart. Jesus is the answer for a troubled heart.

Father God, we are praying for an anointed release over Your children. We are praying against any troubles or circumstances that try to invade the peace that Christ so beautifully secured for our lives. Father God, we know that You are near Your children regardless of what they face or may be going through. Help us to grab hold of that truth as we go about this new day that You have blessed us with. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray, Amen!

“Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.” – John‬ ‭14:1

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Thank You, Father God, for including us in the grace and mercy of today

Thank You, God, for molding us and shaping us, and raising us. Your grace is resting upon us and Your mercies have opened this day before us. Thank You, that You have included us in that grace and mercy we see today. Thank You, that You have destined us to be a part of Your purposes here on earth today. Thank You, that Your hand is not only designing us but it’s overshadowing us and protecting us, and leading us into Your perfect and holy will. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray, AMEN!

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“Praying for the today’s that we face”

praying for the today's we face - unsplash pic

Father God, we know there’s a coming day when every tear that falls from our eyes shall be wiped away, a day when the trying circumstances we face here shall all be over, and we are looking forward to that day and rejoicing in the promise for it. We, also, are praying for the today’s that we face. We are praying for healing in the many circumstances of life: health, finances, relationships, souls restored, national conflicts to experience peace in You and through You. We are praying for people to be released and made whole from anything that comes against Your best for their life. In Jesus’ mighty name, we pray, AMEN!

Text-free photo above by Marta Pawlik on Unsplash

Copyright © Word For Life (Sharing any posts or lessons can only be done through the share buttons provided on this site from the original posts, lessons, and articles only. You can reblog from the original posts only using the reblog button provided, or share using the share buttons provided from these social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest, etc., and they must be shared from the original posts only. All other repostings are prohibited. Posts and other items of interest found on this site MAY NOT BE COPIED AND PASTED, downloaded, uploaded, etc to another website or entity not listed (physical or electronic).  See COPYRIGHT PAGE for more details.

The Anointing Breaks the Yoke! | An Isaiah 10:27 Prayer


Father God, we know Your Word declares that it is the anointing that destroys the yoke that tries to bind Your people (Is. 10:27). We are praying that You would rain down Your anointing this day and break every chain that tries to hold Your people down. We pray for release to walk in the power of all You have declared for us over our lives. We believe in You! We know that You are at work on our case even as we speak. You are our hope and confidence in everything we face.  We are praying in the name of the ultimate Anointed One, Your true source of anointing, our Lord Jesus Christ.  May many people everywhere find true freedom and deliverance in Him!  Amen, and AMEN! “THE YOKE SHALL BE DESTROYED BECAUSE OF THE ANOINTING!” (Isaiah 10:27) 

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“If I choose…”

If I choose to be silent I could

be viewed as weak or wise,

depending . . .

If I choose to fight I could

be viewed as aggressive or brave,

depending . . .

If I choose to hope I could

be viewed as naive or optimistic,

depending . . .

Father God, depending on where life takes me I pray that you would help me to handle this daily life with the same grace You give.  With every step, help me to choose to look to You, O heavenly Father because I want to be wise, I want to be brave, and I want to expect the best of every day You give.  Amen!

Inspiration for choosing to look to God and let Him have control of this day:

“Let God have your life; He can do more with it than you can.” – Dwight L. Moody

“Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” – James 4:7

“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.” – Jeremiah 29:11

“Trusting in the Lord means every decision you make is done with Him in mind.”– Bernita Weston

“Let your life reflect the faith you have in God. Fear nothing and pray about everything. Be strong, trust God’s word, and trust the process.”  – Germany Kent

“Allow God to take control in your life, so the enemy will have no control over you.” – Gift Gugu Mona

“In whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind.” – Job 12:10


“Pray Always!”

"Pray Always!"  Ephesians 6:18

We are to be a people of prayer. It is written over and over again in the Bible and it is consistently taught throughout. We cannot be strong warriors without a strong prayer life.

We are instructed that our prayers are not just for us; rather, “for all saints.” Brothers and sisters in Christ, we need to continually lift one another up in prayer. If we don’t, who will? We are all trying to reach the same eternal destination and we need the power of one another praying us through.

Prayer is powerful! Prayer is authoritative! And, prayer works!

“Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints.” Ephesians 6:18, NKJV