Guard | Protecting the Significant

Guarding is strong.  Guarding is powerful.  Guarding is beautiful because it says what I have in me is valuable space.  Trivial things and those who tarnish or bring unbeneficial substances are not welcome here.

The sacred is alive in you (1 John 4:4) and it must be cherished and protected at all costs.  The Bible encourages us to, “Be sober, be vigilant…” (1 Peter 5:8).  Being vigilant means I must take a proactive approach to the value in me and be very attentive to the things that seek to drain and damage it.

Many distractions come in life with its very definition meaning to steal your focus and direction from what is truly important.  These distractions stand against the foundation of what one considers significant.   

But to truly treasure what’s in you is to truly treat it like the jewel that it is and stand guard against all who would try to misappropriate her value.  “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy…” Jesus warned His followers (John 10:10a).  So, the responsibility lies within each of us to be aware and never stop protecting the beauty He offers – “abundant life” (John 10:10b). 

Would it be profitable to move one’s feet from the position on the watchtower even for just a moment while an enemy creeps in unawares?

No.  It would not only be unprofitable, but it could be dangerous.  A foe is a foe and nothing else.  His purpose is to stop your advancement while Christ is accelerating you up to go forward.  But if you are slowed and your progress hindered due to a personal refusal to stand watch, then what of the treasure within?  Will it be used to its maximum usefulness, or will it, through neglect and lack of vigilance, dwindle and waste away?

The beauty within… the value within calls us to stand guard and to treasure and protect the significant.

A Matthew 6:30 Promise | Words to Live By

Caring for someone is not a trivial thing. The importance of one’s love for you can be felt in what they do for you and by the words and the way they speak over you. The Father’s care for us can be experienced by both. In our daily lives, we see His love manifested in myriad ways. And in His Word, we read what He thinks of us and how important we are to Him. In Matthew 6:30, Jesus confirms this by telling us, “Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?” You cannot begin to understand how important you are to God, just trust that you are. And the daily things that concern us are not a worry in the heart of the Father. “He’s got you!” Those words are not just another casual phrase to be tossed about. They are words of promise you can stand upon in faith today!

When Little Means a Lot!

There are few places in life where it seems anything associated with the word little is appreciated.  And while our culture and this world tend to only see the big things, the grand, the outlandishly oversized as important to regard, the Bible continually teaches us that those things that we consider to be little, mean so much more.

For instance, Psalm 37:16 lets us know, “A little that a righteous man hath is better than the riches of many wicked.”  It’s all a matter of where value is placed.  The values that the righteous man has within him because of his relationship with God far exceed the value of things, stuff, and money many wicked together can possess.  Jesus said, “Lay not up for yourselves treasure upon earth . . . but lay up for yourselves treasure in heaven . . .” (Mt. 6:19-20).  Little possessions may not account for much here, but a heart rich in Jesus is worth so much more, here, and in heaven.

Another thing our culture celebrates is the idea of success, especially what appears to be an instant or overnight success.  In an age where clicks to like can boost an “influencer’s” reputation or clout, it Is not hard to imagine the rise of some to happen so quickly.  And yet, the Bible asks this in Zechariah: “For who hath despised the day of small things?” (4:10).

All success is not bad.  In fact, we are encouraged many times in the Bible to work, work hard, and put in full effort.  But what is bad is the worship of success and the comparison trap it can bring.  The groundwork of what God wants to do in your life is going to need an awesome foundation, and any good foundation takes time to build.

Clicks, likes, and human recognition may not have you shooting ahead fast as lightning, but your progress in God, your progress in what and how He is leading you to build, is worth so much more, even if it takes a little bit longer.

A little in God’s kingdom can do mighty works.  And the Bible teaches us “if ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed” (Lk. 17:6; Mt. 17:20, and 21:21), you can do amazing things.  It’s not always about increasing, as the disciples once asked (Lk. 17:5), it’s about working with what you presently possess.  And if what you presently possess is not much, God can multiply that if you just will use your little bit.

With God, size doesn’t matter, but source does.  If you look at what you have and you depend on that as your source, that is not faith – God’s not interested in that.  But if He’s your authentic, true-enough source; if it is to Him you are raising your eyes to heaven, with your two fish and five little loaves (Mt. 14:17-19) – now, that kind of reliant faith is something He can work with.

Friends, I have only touched the tip of the iceberg here to teach you that with God, a little means a whole lot.  But I hope it’s enough to encourage you to stop comparing where you are with another’s progress.  Don’t let discouraging thoughts discount the value in you.  You are important.   What you have is important, no matter how any other views it, even if it appears to only be a little.

“There be four things which are little upon the earth, but they are exceeding wise:

The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer;

The conies are but a feeble folk, yet make they their houses in the rocks;

The locusts have no king, yet go they forth all of them by bands;

The spider taketh hold with her hands, and is in kings’ palaces.” Proverbs 30:24-28

Little things can make a big difference.

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The God-Placements | Carriers of the Ministry

What does effective ministry look like to you?

Photo by Yusuf sinan on

“This shall be the service of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of the congregation, about the most holy things:” Numbers 4:4

Every believer has a place in the calling or ministry of God. There is no such thing as someone who has been saved by grace that is not equipped in one or more ways to operate in a particular gift (s) by His grace (Rom. 12:6). And while the area you are called to work in may not look like the ministry of another (1 Cor. 12:4), it is no less critical in its impact for God’s kingdom.

Like a well-functioning body, every member is needed to step up to the plate with their gifts (comp. 1 Cor. 12:12, 14). While the spotlight tends to fall naturally on those in the front, there are many behind-the-scene positions, if they were not managed by capable persons working in their gifts, then whatever is going on upfront would not be going on at all.

After watching a good movie, especially one with multiple twists and turns, I love to scroll through the credits to see those who participated in the making of the movie. My goal is to see who the writer is. Many eyes may be drawn to the main characters, but the real star of the show is the one who wrote the story. The one who allowed him or herself to spend much time in relative obscurity, working their gift to pull the story off according to their specific design.

There are no wasted behind-the-scene moments when working to help the service of God go forward, when helping to get His story out there. There is no work that we do for our heavenly Father that is to be considered unimportant if we are working where He has called us to work. There is great value in every calling (1 Cor. 1:26, 27).

And it was God who called the Kohathites for a special job. In the days of their wilderness wanderings, when the people were ready to journey, and the tabernacle had to be disassembled into its specific pieces by the priests, it was the sons of Kohath who were commissioned by God to be there to help in the process by being carriers of the holy vessels that were inside (Num. 4:15).

Because they were not priests; because they were not the upfront guys, the items would first be covered (for their protection) so they could not see or touch them (4:17-20), but they were still called upon to help carry the things of God, to help carry the ministry.

Where they were needed to work for the kingdom of God may not seem glamourous (after all, they didn’t get the special garments, with the special office of preparing the special offerings), but the work was helpful in successfully moving the articles of the tabernacle from one location to another.

Friends, your position of performance may not include being front and center. There may be certain parts your calling cannot participate in. But wherever God has placed you, it is important, and your service to Him is valuable.

1 Corinthians 12:18 states, “But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him.” This is what I call the God-placements. According to His divine purpose and design, God has a special place for each of us, and every place we serve is essential and profitable for the Kingdom’s work.

While we may put much emphasis on those who are holding the microphone, speaking at large gatherings, singing to multitudes, and writing bestsellers – we forget the joy of being called where God knows we fit. Where God knows we can make the most difference.

We forget the importance of just doing. Doing what we do best for Him, for God. No matter how small or insignificant it may seem to others, it makes a difference for His kingdom.

One psalmist said, “For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness” (Ps. 84:10). Whichever way you want to interpret that verse, I would rather participate in the humblest of positions in the will of God than out, for in it I will find the richest of all experiences.

Everyone has a place. Everyone in their place can do something amazing that would help this work continue to grow and spread. If it is to hold a microphone, so be it. But if I only get to be a carrier for Him, let me carry the ministry God has instilled in me with all my might and strength, knowing there is no work, big or small, that is done in vain (1 Cor. 15:58).

Your reward may not come now with the applause of men (which is a heavy responsibility that produces low returns), but when performed for God, for His glory (1 Cor. 10:31), it will come with a “well done” (Mt. 25:23) from Him, the highest reward and applause we should seek.

Lord, though our flesh may desire to see more, do more, and touch more, let our spirit rest in the truth that if we are called to only be carriers of the ministry, we are called according to Your beautiful pleasure and placement for our lives. Help us to serve in that calling, with all grace, working to please our God and heavenly Father. AMEN!

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