Listing and Lifting the Saints in Prayer

There has been such a burden on my heart for the saints of God lately. The body of Christ needs our prayers. Not that He, Christ, has lost any power, but the children of God need one another to lift them in prayer.

So much has been happening in our world, and I see so many who are dealing with confusion, and it seems to be upsetting their personal worlds in a way that is hard for them to comprehend. It is times like these when it is easy to lose focus on what really matters and to center ourselves in our faith, and what, and in whom, we believe.

Times like these can raise many questions in a heart, swaying them with insecurity and doubt therefore, we, as brothers and sisters in Christ, need to watch out for our family – watch out for the family of God. We need to see their concerns and empathize. We need to see their struggles and offer help if we can. We need to understand (as best as we can) where they are coming from and encourage them in their journey forward.

The community of Christ needs one another. This is not something we engage in as a one-time practice. The Bible teaches us to “Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2). As we walk through our day, we will likely face many people. And, these people may be facing many things, challenges, and worries (including the saints). What a difference it would make in their day to feel the comfort of fellowship holding up their arms in the fight as Aaron and Hur held up the arms of Moses (Exodus 17:12). Victories can be won in lives when they are encouraged through the right means.

We have all dealt with challenges. We have all faced overwhelming circumstances and, the right word, from the right person who was caring at the right time, made all the difference.

Even if we cannot come alongside someone physically; friend, we can lift and list their name and situation in sincere prayer, and with genuine, heartfelt concern, to the Lord. If the thought of a person drops in your heart today, do not hesitate to ask God to help them in the areas that are hard to figure out. Ask God to reach into the crevices of their heart and speak peace as only He can. If you see someone ready to crash under the weight of it all, ask God to intervene supernaturally to keep them from any seen or unseen danger or destruction.

We are so vitally important to one another. We are not designed to go about this life alone.   “Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another…” (1 Thessalonians 5:11). The care and concern we show for one another speak highly of the care and concern we have for Christ and His body (see Matthew 25:40).

We all want to make it on this journey. And our concern for souls should compel us to be concerned for others, that they make it too. As you are in prayer and listing your personal petitions to the Lord, take the time to list and lift the saints of God, as a whole and individually, in your prayer as well. May God bless His church with added strength, grace, and encouragement, in the name of Jesus Christ, AMEN!

“Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort;  Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.”

(2 Corinthians 1:3,4)

“We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves.  Let every one of us please his neighbour for his good to edification.  For even Christ pleased not himself. . .”

(Romans 15:1-3a)

Photo above by Tara Winstead on

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“Please, Pray Me Through to My Deliverance!”

“For I know that this shall turn to my salvation through your prayer…” Philippians 1:19

There is so much hurt going on in the body of Christ.  Saints are going through trials and tribulations like never before.  As the days draw to a close, a time when our Lord Jesus Christ will come back to whisk us away to glory, the enemy has been on a vehement rampage against God’s people everywhere.

Paul, when he wrote his letter to the Philippian church, knew something of hardships.  He was imprisoned and he was put in a place of affliction and hurt.  So, when he writes of the faith he has, that the saints will help pray for his deliverance, he knew what he was talking about.

There is a wonderful bond in the body of Christ that is like no other.  Unity, love, and compassion mean so much to our survival that our very witness to the world depends on it.  There has been, over the past few years, an awareness of how we have hurt not only one another but our witness before the world through gossiping and the tearing down of one another.

Jesus Himself said, “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another,” (John 13:35).  Having sincere love toward another means that we would want what’s best for them.  Even if it means exalting somebody higher than yourself; putting the petitions of prayer that someone else so desperately needs above your own.

We often hear the encouragement that, “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much,” (James 5:16).  To avail means that we have a God-given right to have the upper hand, through prayer, against any foe that would dare to rise up against one of God’s anointed ones.  How are we using that advantage?  Are we selfishly gleaning all the grapes off the vine of blessings for ourselves, or do we have enough Christian courage to let another feast off of your effectual, fervent prayers before you get a taste?

Paul openly admitted that on several occasions how much he was dependent upon the prayers of those who had his back in ministry.  Despite his supposed super saint/apostleship position, he realized that the sweet aromas of selfless petitions were being put up to God on his behalf.  Because of that, he was assured that he would see deliverance.

How much care and emphasis do you really put on the body of Christ when you bow the knee to the Father?  How much is that hunger in you to see the salvation of the unsaved of your family and friends being fed?  Do you really believe that not only will your prayers move mountains in your life but also in the life of another?  You may be their only hope, whether they are born or again or not, to draw near to God and receive deliverance.

Paul puts it best in 1 Corinthians 13:1 where he says, “Though I speak with tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.”  Are you just making a lot of noise when you pray or are you busting the gates of hell loose because your heart is hurting for another?  It was Abraham Lincoln that was quoted as saying, “I am sorry for the man who can’t feel the whip when it is laid on the other man’s back.”

There are some “whips” being laid on others; some burdens that you can help someone else carry if only we would do as the Philippian church did and pray.  Not just any prayer, but prayers that will let our brothers and sisters know assurance of seeing deliverance, too.

If you want to see true restoration in your own life, learn to put the needs of others before your own.  Job 42:10 states, “The Lord restored Job’s losses when he prayed for his friends.”  We are to be a people who step in that place of praying for others and petitioning heaven on their behalf.  It was not until Job prayed for his friends were his losses restored.

Let’s work today in hedging people in under the arc of safety, the covering of prayer, so they will finally see deliverance, too. There may be a hurting soul quietly pleading for someone to, “Please, Pray Me Through to My Deliverance.”

Keep praying for one another!

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“There is power in the prayers of the righteous!”


Every day we have opportunities to lift another
in prayer. As we go through the normality of
our lives and routines, there will be moments
when the awareness of the needs of others
should cause us to move from our positions of
comfort to that of being an active intercessor
because we care about the one struggling on
the other side of the store. We are concerned
at the weaving of the reckless driver on the
highway. Our hearts are touched when we see
the sad eyes of the hurting and just want to do
something about it. We can. You can.

Intercede on behalf of another, and pray.
We can contact heaven on behalf of any and
all to hope for a positive difference in their
circumstances and life. There is power in
the prayers of the righteous.